y investigated. we must crack down on all anti social and anti people evil forces!”
“dear mr. wang Zhiwei, what will the Yanjing municipal Government do to address the remaining petitioners present today who are causing trouble without reason?(尊敬的王志偉先生,那麼對於今天這些剩餘在場無理取鬧的上訪者,燕京市政府將會怎麼樣處理呢?)”
“好的,感謝這位記者的提問。關於剩餘在場被僱傭來上訪鬧事的參與者,我們將依法對其進行問詢記錄,如果沒有違法犯罪事實我們將無罪釋放,一經證實有觸犯法律法規一律收押。我們不會冤枉一個合法守法的公民,但是我們也絕不放過任何一個觸犯黨紀國法的犯罪分子。我們歡迎各界媒體記者同胞們的採訪及監督,謝謝大家關心本次事件的處理!okay, thank you for the journalist's question. we will investigate and record the remaining participants who were hired to petition and cause trouble on site in accordance with the law. If there are no illegal or criminal facts, we will release them without charge. once proven to have violated laws and regulations, they will be detained. we will not wrongly accuse a legitimate and law-abiding citizen, but we will also never let go of any criminal who violates party discipline and national laws. we wele media and journalists from all walks of life to conduct interviews and supervision. thank you for your concern about the handling of this incident!”