小說吧 > 都市言情 > 輪迴之神尊免費閱讀全文 > 第123章 強勢發言人三

第123章 強勢發言人三 (第1/3頁)


“首先,我們講講雲城史家。這個史家的發跡就是靠著一群惡勢力的打手,到處行兇、製造很多錯假冤案、顛倒黑白給雲城社會造成極其惡劣的影響,史家這些惡劣行徑資料媒體記者們等這個事情結束後可以向燕京市公安局有關部門核實!史書、史敬畏,雲城史家的公子,更是囂張跋扈,欺壓百姓、強搶民女、霸佔他人財產、惡意傷人、尤其近來更是大肆非法佔有國家礦產資源等。現場這位史家二公子史敬畏,今天竟然還僱傭他人蓄意擾亂政府部門正常工作秩序,故意聚眾鬧事。其目的已經說明是膽大妄為,根本是置法律法規於不顧,可以說是有預謀有計劃地反動勢力!必須要嚴懲,必須要深究,我們要打擊一切反社會反人民的惡勢力!Firstly, let's talk about the historians of Yuncheng. the rise of this historian relied on a group of thugs from evil forces, who carried out attacks everywhere, created many false and unjust cases, and reversed right and wrong, causing extremely negative impact on the society of Yuncheng. After this incident is over, media reporters can verify with the relevant departments of Yanjing public Security bureau about these heinous acts of the historian! history books and reverence for history, the young master of Yuncheng historians, is even more arrogant and domineering, oppressing the people, forcibly robbing women, occupying others' property, maliciously injuring people, and especially recently illegally occupying national mineral resources. on site, the second son of the Shi family, Shi weiwei, even hired others today to deliberately disrupt the normal work order of government departments and gather crowds to cause trouble. Its purpose has already been demonstrated to be audacious and reckless, pletely disregarding the laws and regulations. It can be said that it is a premeditated and planned reactionary force! we must be severely punished and thoroughl

最新小說: 木葉的提瑞斯法守護者 嬌養清冷首輔後,炮灰被寵懵了 從鄉鎮科員到權利巔峰 分手既無敵,我醫武通天你哭啥 重生之全職太后 裂土封王,從市井潑皮開始 遭遇背叛後,我覺醒神醫傳承 開局就分家,重生只為妻女 中篇小說集世間百態 我不當提款機後,校花全家跪求原諒 開元之歌 美食大賽:用華夏料理登頂世界 星空不敗 榮耀歸來仍是少年 前妻PK前女友,我在一旁喝大酒 抗戰之不該遺忘的地方 1939年穿到了特工總部 西北風雲:六兄弟征程 抗戰暗影交鋒 都市之風花雪月