第9部分 (第2/6頁)

the ; most professors in this country are like this。

C: I also feel that Chinese professors are busy with their research and don’t have too much time to talk to their students。

D: That’s very mon in the America too; but at Yale; there are not too many students so the professors can have more time with individuals。 I don’t have more than 4 students each year as their chief advisor。 Also; it’s a norm and expectation for a professor to spend more time on teaching。 They would have some problems if they are bad teachers。 Students have the newspapers and the school also has evaluations。 At Yale; students go to the puters to do the evaluation; I can see the ments and evaluation but other professors can’t。 These evaluations are informal; but if you don’t do well; the word will get around。

C: What steps should a student take to prepare for graduation studies?

D: Good English is ’s not new。 They don’t know what getting ’t have a 3 year cap like Law School。 It takes you five or six years to learn how to write a dissertation and that’s not the end of a rainbow。 You won’t be paid like a lawyer or a doctor。 I see many students came across this difficulty in the third or fourth year that they don’t want to continue but I don’t see many Chinese students quit and they seem to know what they are doing and be more embedded in this life。

C:  If you were meeting with a group of students from China; what advice would you give them to help them be successful at Ya

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