第28部分 (第3/7頁)

aring settlers kept pushing westward beyond the fringes of settlement in search of new homes。 勇敢的遊牧者們繼續向西前進,越過了居住地的邊界以尋找新的家園。

2。 The plant has spread rapidly; so mudflats with marshy fringes were changed into extensive salt meadows and the number and kinds of birds and animals living in the marsh was reduced。 植物生長得非常迅速,使沼澤邊緣的溼地都變成了廣闊的鹽土草地,因而生長在溼地中的鳥類和動物的數量和品種都有所減少。

frozen['frouzn]a。 凍結的

例句 1。 There is very little evidence of liquid water on Mars; and there was only frozen water beneath the planet's surface。 幾乎沒有證據表明火星上存在液態的水,只有火星地表下面存在凝結的水。

2。 The mammoths' soft parts; including skin; hair; and viscera were preserved in frozen soil or in the oozing tar of oil seeps。 包括猛獁象的面板、毛髮、內臟等軟組織被儲存在了凍土或石油滲透時滲出的焦油中。

要點 該詞是動詞freeze的過去分詞形式,作為形容詞表示“凍結的”,除了在託福閱讀中常見的frozen soil; frozen ground等搭配以外,frozen food“冷凍食品”這個搭配也很常見。

fuel['fju:?l]n。 燃料;刺激因素 v。 給…加燃料;激起;推動

例句 1。 Firewood is the major fuel used for cooking and heating in many countries。 在許多國家,柴火是用來做飯和取暖的主要燃料。

2。 Although this“atmospheric engine”embodied revolutionary principles; it was so slow and wasteful of fuel that it could not be employed outside the coal mines for which it had been designed。 儘管“大氣發動機”呈現出革命性的工作原理,但它卻很慢,而且浪費燃料,因此無法依照它所設計的初衷在煤礦以外的地方使用。

3。 The extinctions at the end of the Cretaceous and the high concentration of Ir found in deposited clay have fueled the development of a new hypothesis。 白堊紀晚期的滅絕和沉積的岩石中發現的高濃度銥元素推動了一個新假說的發展。

要點 fuel在托福考試的閱讀文章中,通常以名詞形式

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