第4部分 (第4/7頁)

 altitude(n。 海拔)

emerge[i'm?:r?]v。 顯露,暴露;(從水中)出來

例句 1。 The cinema didn't emerge as a form of mass consumption at first until the technology enabled to project images on a screen in a darkened theater。 最初,電影院並沒有作為一種大眾消費形式出現,直到技術可以實現將影象投映到黑暗的劇院的銀幕上。

2。 In recent years; some talented artists emerged as leading figures in this field。 近些年,一些有才華的藝術家作為業界領軍人物出現。

engulf[in'g?lf]v。 吞沒

例句 1。 When a glacier moves; the rock formations behind have been engulfed; pushed; and dragged by it。 當冰川移動時,後面的岩層將被它吞沒、擠壓或拖拽。

2。 Sometimes animals and plants would be preserved if they were immersed in tar or quicksand; trapped in ice; or engulfed by rapid falls of volcanic ash。 有時,動物和植物在浸入柏油或流沙、陷入冰中或是被急速傾瀉而下的火山灰淹沒之後得以儲存下來。

同義 merge(v。 吞沒)

equator[i'kweit?r]n。 赤道

例句 They could trace the growth and shrinkage of the continental glaciers; even in parts of ocean where there may have been little change in temperature; for example; around the equator。 他們可以追蹤大陸冰川的增大或縮小,甚至在那些海洋中氣溫變化較弱的地方也是如此,比如赤道周圍。

equatorial[?ekw?'t?:ri?l]a。 赤道的,赤道附近的

搭配 equatorial plane 赤道平面

例句 Properly speaking; pineapples grow in high…rainfall equatorial areas where the climate is wet or humid all year round。 確切地說,菠蘿生長在雨水充沛的赤道附近地區,那裡的氣候常年溼潤。

erode[i'roud]v。 侵蝕,腐蝕;變壞;削弱

例句 1。 The melting ice erodes the soil around it。 融化的冰開始侵蝕周圍的土壤。

2。 A new route became especially necessary if the European seafarers wanted to avoid Middle Eastern states 

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