第125部分 (第2/5頁)


“Samantha How e you are here”霍正意外地說。

“So good to see you!”那個女聲伴隨著一個親吻的動作說道。


“Yeah; it’s been a long time。”霍正說。

“How have you been!”那個女聲說道。

“Same thing you had been through!”霍正說。


“I finally got the feel about that you are totally crazy about someone with no interest in you at all。”霍正說。

“Wow; someone got my revenge for me; huh”那個女聲說道。

“Yeah; I bet you guys are the BFF; if you knew her。”霍正說。

“So; tell me about her; I’m s…o curious。”那個女聲說道。

“There is nothing to tell。 I am just not attractive to her at all; no matter how hard I tried!”霍正說。

“What’ s the problem”那個女聲說道。

“She already has a beloved man in her life。 I’m 25 years later。 Nothing I can do will reverse that relation。”霍正說。

“25 years How old is she Don’t you tell me that you are supposed to wreck a happy marriage or something”那個女聲說道。

“She is not married;yet。”霍正說。

“So you can’t handle an aged woman’s beloved man In the old time;you always keep saying that all you have is youth; I thought women love that; especially sophistic women with life experience。 After all the struggles they had been through in their lives; they always want something simple and easy。”那個女聲說道。

“She is only 25。 Although her mental age is over 90 or so; I am still not attractive to her at all

最新小說: 天道遊戲之最強玩家 網遊:我!唯一內測玩家 全民轉職:開局散人,技能超進化 非酋在荒野求生遊戲成為一方大佬 煉器師弱?起手傳說級外骨骼裝甲 修仙遊戲反饋,我打造無敵宗門! NBA:生涯報銷?開局三分必中 王者,我,射手路的大爹 彈丸論破:黑幕遊戲 王者:我,KPL對抗路新神 全民求生:沙漠開局,種出個帝國 全球求生:從惡魔開始百倍暴擊進 系統不讓在蟲族吃軟飯 逗比勇者 王者:開局擊敗銀河戰艦 趣談百家姓 一城煙雨一層紗 主業抓鬼,副業找個霸總談戀愛? 足球,我們的理想 智慧的明燈與心靈的指引