第21部分 (第1/5頁)

Wuhan Zhong…De Psychiatric Hospital; Zeng Qifeng;430012。 E…mail:bigblue@public。wh。87book。com

【Abstract】Objective:To explore the psychodynamic differences between using Pu Tong Hua and dialect in psychodynamic oriented psychotherapy。Method:according to the psychodynamic therory;analyse the different by using Pu Tong Hua and dialect。Results:By using dialect can cause a certain extent negative transference;by using Pu Tong Hua can cause a certain extent positive transference;but when the therapist speaks nonstandard Pu Tong Hua;more negative transference will arise than he speaks dialect。 Conclusions:The language as a special setting in dialect…speak area is very important for the psychotherapeutic relationship and effect。The using of Pu Tong Hua ( as a non…daily language for the therapist and client)in south China will redound to build up a better pychotherapeutic relationship and also can reduce or analyse the very strong resistance of transference (for example:love…transference)with a easy way or with less psychological injure。

【Key Words】Pychotherapy language psychotherapeutic relationship


方言是指一種語言的地方變體。在語音、詞彙、語法上各有其特點,是語言分化的結果②。中國的方言無比繁多,素有“五里不同音,十里不同語” 之說。在本文作者所處的這個城市,各城區之間的人所使用的武漢方言都有顯著的差異。

對於生活和工作在中國南部的心理治療師來說,在心理治療過程中是使用普通話還是使用方言是一個值得探討的問題。以下我們就來看一看,在精神動力學取向的心理治療中(Psychodynamic Oriented P

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