第2部分 (第1/7頁)

Based on the information in。。。


Reading Passage

Based on the information in paragraph 1; which of the following best explains the term wind farms?

Farms using windmills to pump water

Research centers exploring the uses of wind

Types of power plant mon in North Dakota

Collections of wind turbines producing electric power

In 1994 there were nearly 20;000 wind turbines worldwide; most grouped in clusters called wind farms that collectively produced 3;000 megawatts of electricity。 Most were in Denmark (which got 3 percent of its electricity from wind turbines) and California (where 17;000 machines produced 1 percent of the state’s electricity; enough to meet the residential needs of a city as large as San Francisco)。 In principle; all the power needs of the United States could be provided by exploiting the wind potential of just three states — North Dakota; South Dakota; and Texas。

根據題幹中的paragraph 1和wind farms這兩個資訊,我們可以快速定位到原文第一段的相應內容:In 1994 there were nearly 20;000 wind turbines worldwide; most grouped in clusters called wind farms that collectively produced 3;000 megawatts of electricity。 從這句話中可以得知wind turbines grouped in clusters 即是文中提問的wind farm,所以選第4項。


2。 推論題


What can be inferred from the passage?


Reading Passage

What are the bones found 

最新小說: 兒童故事三百篇 四合院:重生傻柱,我有無敵空間 NBA:浪子老闆,打造紫金十冠 聖經千問 網遊:垃圾天賦超神技 從火影開始旅行 山海經之災厄將至 快穿:戲精大佬又去拯救男主啦 報恩?我看你是想以身相許! 綜漫之亞刻奧特曼 開局木筏:靠萬倍增幅征服世界 觸靈偵探事務所 壞傢伙他只想撈錢! 全民穿越:死靈法師的崛起 幻界風雲錄 JOJO:命運,真的如此牢固嗎 融合世界後李蓮花的各種可能 榮總輕點騙,葉少要心疼 門面居然跟全能隊長是真情侶 網遊之我專精保命技能