turers which starved for fuel and charcoal also benefited from ever…increasing supplies of coal。 那些需要大量燃料和木炭的鋼鐵製造商也從不斷增加的煤炭供應中獲得了益處。
measurable['me??r?bl]a。 可測量的;可衡量的
搭配 measurable variable 可測變數
例句 1。 The first is the habituation…dishabituation technique; in which a unitary stimulus is presented repeatedly to the infant until there is a measurable decline in which attending behavior is being observed。 首先是習慣化與去習慣化技術,要求對嬰兒反覆施加單一形式的刺激,直到其適應能力呈現一個可測量的下降趨勢,從中便可以觀察到嬰兒的專注行為。
2。 There is a growing body of opinion that all these physical variations have a measurable impact on the climate。 所有這些物理變化都會對氣候變化產生可以測量的影響——認同這一點的人越來越多。
measure['me??r]n。 尺寸;測量;度量單位;[常 pl。]措施 v。 測量
搭配 measure up 測量;符合標準
例句 The environmental degradation will bee more severe if new measures are not taken。 如果再不採取新的措施,環境惡化會更加嚴重。
派生 measurement(n。 測量)
mechanism['mek?niz?m]n。 機械裝置;結構;機制
搭配 reaction mechanism 反應機制
例句 A respiratory regulating mechanism seemingly ceases functioning during sleep。 在睡著的時候,呼吸調節機制似乎就停止運作了。
要點 在託福閱讀文章中,mechanism最常見的含義就是“機制”,比如:regulating mechanism“調節機制”;control mechanism“控制機制”。
metal['metl]n。 金屬
搭配 metal detector 金屬探測器
例句 1。 e close to metal tools and weapons may create greater social equality。 金屬工具和武器的使用或許能為社會創造更大的公平性。
2。 Research has concentrated on the toxic effects of heavy metals like lead; cadmium; mercury and aluminum; however; even copper and zinc; which are essential element