第11部分 (第4/7頁)

ewing box; the mop; and the linen closet。 (I’m doing my best to re…conceive that idea!)

You too way have noticed that doing housework is like fining a sieve with water。 Phyllis Diller sums it up nicely: “Cleaning the house while the children are growing is like shoveling snow before it stops snowing。

Negative rewards。 We face them daily。 Do it right and no one remembers; but do it wrong and no one forgets。 Maybe you’ve noticed that there’s not a lot of glory at home。 We don’t often receive accolades or pats on the back (with the obvious exception of Mother’s Day or Father’s Day)。 And where are my loyal supporters the rest of the year? Why; they’re spilling milk in my clean refrigerator; throwing gum wrappers in their sock drawers; and volunteering four hundred cupcakes for the next PTA meeting (which is usmlly this evening)。 No wonder we conclude that organizd living is best left to the childless; the single; or to incredibly stouthearted parents!

All this leads me to why getting things in order is exciting! When you have a closet; a cupboard; or a drawer in perfect order; that one little area seems to say; “You’re doing a wonderful job! Keep up the good work!” What motivation! It’s terrific to feel those words; because chances are ten to one you’ll never hear them。

Every day I get letters from people all over the country。 Invariable I get one that says; “Today I cleaned out my closet。 Every five minutes I go in there—just to look at it!”


最新小說: 召喚萬界軍團 業餘裡踢出來的國足超級後衛 DNF:求你別搞事,我們真服了 注視深淵 NBA:隊裡有詹皇,先躺一冠 網遊:敢惹他?內褲都給你偷沒了 B級天賦,一樣可以登頂 記錄地平線上的旅途 公路求生之大玩家 列車求生:無掛求生 王者:這個選手,正得發邪 傳說之下,時間線之外的人 遊戲降臨:從隱藏職業開始封神 nba最強球星詹姆斯哈登 夏日狂響曲 開局零幸運值?別慌我有任意門 雙城之戰:第九議員 校花別撩我,我只想打籃球! 網遊之獨步逍遙 絕世唐門之力挽狂瀾