第104章 卷37 (第2/12頁)

oat, shuddered slightly, and said adirgly, “i thk of everythg”

“你是說那些都不是真的?” 傑克問道。

“you an none of that was true?” jake deanded


“all of it was true but i uldn’t prove it the notebook was the clcher as long as von fnagan had the case closed, he didn’t give a hoot anyway”



the little wyer took out a cigar, looked at it, lit it, and said, “if i’d ed y head i’d have known it this afternoon”

“你今天下午就應該想到什麼?” 海倫問道。

“you’d have known what this afternoon?” helene deanded


“that it wasn’t ona ne at least i should have tubled the ute i looked at her”



“因為她的皮草,” 馬龍說。他快速地掃視了一下桌子周圍,然後向格斯大聲下了個訂單。“在弗雷特被謀殺到我們見到她的這段時間裡,她根本沒時間回家換掉她的皮草。”

“becae of her furs,” alone said he cast a ick gnce around the table and bawled an order to g “she never would have had ti to go ho and chan her furs the ti beeen fleurette’s urder and when we t her”

“我可能很笨,” 傑克開口說,“但是……”

“i ay be dub,” jake began, “but-”

“你是很笨,” 馬龍尖刻地說,“如果你不能馬上明白像莫娜?麥克萊恩這樣穿著講究的女人,在穿著今天下午那種淺米色皮草的時候,是不會拿著一個大白金狐皮暖手筒的。”

“you are,” alone said acidly, “if you don’t see right away that no woan as well dressed as ona ne would carry a big ptu fox uff with the pale bei fur she had on this afternoon”


g delivered five ore ryes


最新小說: 十日方源 400個民間鬼故事 地鐵詭途 因為我善,中了藍星大小姐的圈套 末世:喪屍能進化,但我會修仙 我在末世瘋狂殺,報仇囤資狠虐渣 全球冰封:開局打造宇宙戰艦 黑爺,幼稚鬼 海洋求生我在木筏上打造世外桃源 平凡少年的驅邪傳奇 罪案追兇 道士歷練:開局當起了外賣員 末世重生之殺手她又殺瘋了 重生星際開機甲,雙修天才就是我 末世與魚與嚮往寧靜生活 人在星際走,紅旗肩上扛 重啟末世熔爐 奕天鬼子 全球災變:我被病嬌大小姐看上了 攤牌了,我能點石成金