第102章 卷35 (第1/10頁)

馬龍探案卷三 之 錯誤的兇案 三十五


at first it seed rearkable to jake that the big, fortable roo the old ne ansion should look jt as it had when he had seen it st then he rebered that had been only the night before


the sa roo, the sa, oversized xurio furniture, the sa people save for that terribly r gap left by the absence of fleurette sanders she had been sittg on that uch, that one right over there stran, jake thought, that such a little pern as fleurette uld leave such an enoro space behd a roo it was like the trendo, yawng canyon that always seed to be left by the extraction of a ite sall tooth, a canyon of which one was perpetually nscio everyone the roo was tryg to pay no attention to the space left by fleurette sanders, and everyone was unbearably aware of it


all of the avoided the uch where she had been


the others were there jake looked around the roo there was willis sanders, pale and visibly shaken, with e brand right beside hi and an unobtrively

最新小說: 靈異天師 星際機甲戰魂 末世降臨:從拿回空間開始 驚悚遊戲:他把詭異逼瘋了! 我的金屬巨龍分身 災厄求生,這個選手浪出天際! 祖袂的三界三生 鎧甲勇士:新的曙光 保衛南山公園 沉淪星河 逆劫九霄 微塵:時空之旅 無敵幸運!我橫掃末世躺贏成神! 末日,綠茶前女友跪求我收留 末日,絕美女總裁跪在我面前 噓,禍水宿主被瘋批大佬掐腰誘哄 錦衣暴徒:我靠搶奪罪犯功法開掛 機械末世:我的機甲有億點強 驚悚!詭異遊戲NPC竟是我亡夫 愚公重生:斷代星球