helene stepped on the aelerator and shot past a startled policean down ichigan avenue “we’ll have r gubril’s little box half an hour”
“美好的願望,” 馬龍咆哮道,“不過別忘了,馮?弗拉納根可能還沒允許公眾進入岡布里爾的房間。”
“a nice sentint,” alone growled “don’t fet though that von fnagan probably still has gubril’s roo closed to the public”
“你一點也沒有讓我氣餒,” 她平靜地說,“傑克,那個盒子是什麼樣的?”
“you don’t disura the least,” she said pcidly “jake, what was that box like?”
“它是一個普通的金屬公文箱,” 他告訴她,“有一把很好的鎖和一個在頂部的把手,是瓷釉的或是漆成的深綠色。”
“it was a regur tal dispatch box,” he told her, “with a very good lock and a handle on the it was enaled or pated dark green”
she was silent for a block or “is there a hardware store anywhere near here?”
“有戈德布拉特的店,” 傑克說,“我想他們有五金部門。”
“there’s goldbtt’s,” jake said; “they have a hardware departnt, i iage”
“謝謝。我就想知道這個。” 她把車開到範布倫街,穿過州街,在拐角處停下車。“繞著街區開,然後在這個拐角接我。” 在他還沒來得及說一句話之前,她已經跳下車,消失在了人行道上的人群中。
“thanks that’s all i wanted to know” she drove to van buren street, over to state, and sped the car at the rner “drive around the block and pick up here on the rner” before he uld say a word she had hopped out and was lost the sidewalk crowds
jake piloted the big car grly through the te-afternoon traffic “alone, what do you suppose she’s up to now?”
“我不知道,” 律師咆哮道,“而且不問可能更安全。別擔心,我們會知道的