第140章 卷2 (第1/11頁)

馬龍探案卷五 之 盛怒的審判二

“但是他不可能被謀殺,” 公路專員辦公室的一個豐滿女孩一遍又一遍地重複著。“他是佩維利參議員。”

but he can’t be urdered,” one of the pp girls fro the highway issioner’s office kept repeatg over and over “he’s senator peveley”


jake looked at her “i’ rry, but that’s one kd of senatorial iunity i never heard of”

他感到憤憤不平,並非完全沒有緣由。“這就是我們來到鄉村想要擺脫的那種事情,” 他對海倫說。

he felt aggrieved, not altother without cae “this is the rt of thg we ca to the untry to t away fro,” he said to helene

她同情地點點頭。“這與我們無關,” 她說。“讓我們離開這裡,繼續我們的釣魚之旅,不管有沒有謀殺案。”

she nodded sypathetically “it’s none of our bess,” she said “let’s t out of here and go on with our fishg trip, urder or no urder”

“恐怕不行,” 傑克說。“即使在鄉村,在警察到來之前從屍體旁走開也被認為是不得體的行為。”

“i’ afraid not,” jake said “even the untry it isn’t nsidered good for to walk away fro a rpse before the police arrive”


everybody was now lookg at the te senator peveley but, jake reded hiself, on those gnces would be directed at the, with a ixture of curiosity and hostility helene wouldn’t know that she hadn’t spent the first years of her life grove falls


it was aazg how the urthoe rridor had suddenly filled with people only a ont before it had been epty, dark, and caverno now it was crowded with sho

最新小說: 末日,綠茶前女友跪求我收留 末日,絕美女總裁跪在我面前 噓,禍水宿主被瘋批大佬掐腰誘哄 錦衣暴徒:我靠搶奪罪犯功法開掛 機械末世:我的機甲有億點強 驚悚!詭異遊戲NPC竟是我亡夫 愚公重生:斷代星球 末日重生:黑暗審判官 漩渦之心 冤鬼咒 末世掠奪遊戲 詭異復甦:前女友婚禮,客人竟然是鬼? 末世重生女主她內力深厚 殺神之虐殺原形 末世降臨:我招收下屬,獲得百倍物資 撩倒五個獸夫後,惡毒雌性死遁了 警告!禁止S級覬覦頂級貌美嚮導 快穿之乾了這碗狗糧 一覺醒來聽說末世到了 盜筆之穿越廢土碰到了嫩牛五方