第125章 卷21 (第2/11頁)

her forehead for an stant as she sat her high-backed brocade chair, she looked like exisite japanese doll

“我不明白……” 海倫剛開口又突然停住。

“i don’t see—” helene began and sped suddenly


it seed to jake as though the silence uld be cut up to pieces everyone was waitg for one else to speak first



what seed like hours ter ona ne said, “the curio thg about it is that the an the ue actually looked a little like rald tuesday”


pendley tidewell blked and goggled “he was rald tuesday”


she ade an ipatient sture “they uldn’t both be rald tuesday”

“為什麼不呢?” 馬龍問道,伸手拿過一個杯子。“看看有多少人叫亨利?奧爾森。為什麼不能有兩個圖伊茲呢?”

“why not?” alone asked, reachg for one of the gsses “look at the nuber of people nad henry olsen why uldn’t there be o tuesdays?”

“這就像有一個月的星期天。” 彭德利?泰德韋爾說。他大聲笑起來,但只有他一個人在笑。

“it’s like havg a onth of sundays,” pendley tidewell said he ughed, noisily, and pletely alone


there was another unfortable silence

邁克爾?文寧站起來,走到壁爐邊,優雅地把一隻胳膊肘支在壁爐架上。“這可怕的雨。” 他邊說邊往菸斗裡裝菸絲。“我不明白人們怎麼能忍受得了。”

ichael venng rose, walked to the firepce, and leaned one elbow gracefully on the antel “this ghastly ra,” he said, fillg his pipe “i don’t see how people stand it”


ona ne siled at hi

最新小說: 海洋求生:開局獲得神秘天賦 刑偵六組 靈異都市之要我一個精神病去除妖 密室逃脫之現實副本 星網爭春秋 好孕雌性超香軟,絕嗣獸人攬腰吻 從零開始的太空探索 佛系女主在末世的強者之路 全球冰封,我隨手複製任意物資 殭屍:道壇先鋒,簡化大將 黑暗終章:靈疫紀 詭異深淵:開局成為副本boss 聖甲熾心 寄生蟲:人類新途 最後的御者 盜墓:開局覺醒錦鯉體質 尋長生藥謎,蹤陷情劫漩渦 外星來客與地球火鍋 人在月球助華夏,發現女媧在逃難 穿末世文中,成為男主心尖寵