ry, it's been too long. Our existing technology can only make her scars look less terrifying as much as possible. If we want to restore them to their original appearance, then I suggest going for a cosmetic surgery. (實在抱歉,時間過去的太久了,我們現有的技術,只能儘可能的讓她的疤痕看起來不那麼猙獰,如果說要恢復成原來的樣子,那麼我建議整容。)” 站在一旁的季向宴也聽到了這話,神色凝重,連國外的知名專家都沒辦法,那這張你就不能靠單純的治療恢復如初。 男人薄唇輕啟,一口流利的英語莫名帶著磁性,“Dr. Galen, if I were to hand her over to you now, could you bring me back with her intact as before?(蓋倫醫生,如果說我現在把她交給你,你能帶給我一個完好如初的她回來嗎?)” 蓋倫醫生醞釀了會兒,重重地點頭,“Yes, but the domestic equipment cannot be operated by us. We must take her back to the headquarters hospital for treatment.(可以,但是國內的裝置不能提供操作,我們必須把她帶回總部醫院進行治療。)” 聞言,季向宴面露糾結,走在季向瑤面前,低下頭,輕聲說道,“能治好,但是需要你跟著他們去國外……”喜歡季總的小嬌妻跳海了()季總的小嬌妻跳海了。