第20部分 (第2/8頁)


Nell gradually resumed her customary duties; and Harry made good use of her little visit to the upper air; in the instructions he gave her。 She enjoyed the recollections of life above ground; yet without regretting it。 The somber region she had loved as a child; and in which her wedded life would be spent; was as dear to her as ever。

The approaching marriage created great excitement in New Aberfoyle。 Good wishes poured in on all sides; and foremost among them were Jack Ryan's。 He was detected busily practicing his best songs in preparation for the great

day; which was to be celebrated by the whole population of Coal Town。

During the month preceding the wedding…day; there were more accidents occurring in New Aberfoyle than had ever been known in the place。 One would have thought the approaching union of Harry and Nell actually provoked one catastrophe after another。 These misfortunes happened chiefly at the further and lowest extremity of the works; and the cause of them was always in some way mysterious。

Thus; for instance; the wood…work of a distant gallery was discovered to be in flames; which were extinguished by Harry and his panions at the risk of their lives; by employing engines filled with water and carbonic acid; always kept ready in case of necessity。 The lamp used by the incendiary was found; but no clew whatever as to who he could be。

Another time an inundation took place in consequence of the stanchions of a water…t

最新小說: 崩壞,在崩壞的世界裡成為奧特曼 遊戲之逆襲萌妹 傳奇之我隊打怪PK掉落超極品 還珠格格之香妃重生 仙魔錄:輪迴之主 這城有良田之霸道總裁被強愛 瀚文與武傑 永劫:你一個富二代竟喜歡打電競 哈利波特:過去歸來之人 惡作劇之吻續寫三部來襲 祁同偉棄政從商,沙瑞金給我敬禮 狐妖:你們別倒貼了,我真不敢要 天空之光 海虎:龍之歸途 大唐帝國的輝煌與變遷 詩魂落魄迷蹤 原神:丘丘人,但是成為冒險家 【網遊】靠摸魚成為全服第一 網遊:重生之網遊降臨現實之前 亂七八的文