第18部分 (第2/8頁)

 Jack Ryan。 A faint streak of pale rose tinted the light vapors of the horizon。 It was the first ray of light attacking the laggards of the night。 Beneath the hill lay the silent city; massed confusedly in the twilight of dawn。 Here and there lights twinkled among the houses of the old town。 Westward rose many hill…tops; soon to be illuminated by tips of fire。

Now the distant horizon of the sea became more plainly visible。 The scale of colors fell into the order of the solar。 Every instant they increased in intensity; rose color became red; red became fiery; daylight dawned。 Nell now glanced towards the city; of which the outlines became more distinct。 Lofty monuments; slender steeples emerged from the gloom; a kind of ashy light was spread abroad。 At length one solitary ray struck on the maiden's sight。 It was that ray of green which; morning or evening; is reflected upwards from the sea when the horizon is clear。

An instant afterwards; Nell turned; and pointing towards a bright prominent point in the New Town; 〃Fire!〃 cried she。

〃No; Nell; that is no fire;〃 said Harry。 〃The sun has touched with gold the top of Sir Walter Scott's monument〃……and; indeed; the extreme point of the monument blazed like the light of a pharos。

It was day……the sun arose……his disc seemed to glitter as though he indeed emerged from the waters of the sea。 Appearing at first very large from the effects of refraction; he contracted as he rose and assumed the perfectly 

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