第12部分 (第1/8頁)

bearer of the strange light had apparently wished to point out to Sir William。 This was a natural opening。 The passage which James Starr and his panions had made for themselves with dynamite had been pletely blocked up with rocks laid one upon another。

So; then; whilst they had been exploring the vast cavern; the way back had been purposely closed against them by a hostile hand。


THREE years after the events which have just been related; the guide…books remended as a 〃great attraction;〃 to the numerous tourists who roam over the county of Stirling; a visit of a few hours to the mines of New Aberfoyle。

No mine in any country; either in the Old or New World; could present a more curious aspect。

To begin with; the visitor was transported without danger or fatigue to a level with the workings; at fifteen hundred feet below the surface of the ground。 Seven miles to the southwest of Callander opened a slanting tunnel; adorned with a castellated entrance; turrets and battlements。 This lofty tunnel gently sloped straight to the stupendous crypt; hollowed out so strangely in the bowels of the earth。

A double line of railway; the wagons being moved by hydraulic power; plied from hour to hour to and from the village thus buried in the subsoil of the county; and which bore the rather ambitious title of Coal Town。

Arrived in Coal Town; the visitor found himself in a place where electricity played a principal part as

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