第2部分 (第2/8頁)

 there not be rather a malevolent intention to thwart Ford's plans?

This was the conclusion at which James Starr arrived; after mature reflection。 The contradiction which existed between the two letters only wrought in him a more keen

desire to visit the Dochart pit。 And besides; if after all it was a hoax; it was well worth while to prove it。 Starr also thought it wiser to give more credence to the first letter than to the second; that is to say; to the request of such a man as Simon Ford; rather than to the warning of his anonymous contradictor。

〃Indeed;〃 said he; 〃the fact of anyone endeavoring to influence my resolution; shows that Ford's munication must be of great importance。 To…morrow; at the appointed time; I shall be at the rendezvous。〃

In the evening; Starr made his preparations for departure。 As it might happen that his absence would be prolonged for some days; he wrote to Sir W。 Elphiston; President of the Royal Institution; that he should be unable to be present at the next meeting of the Society。 He also wrote to excuse himself from two or three engagements which he had made for the week。 Then; having ordered his servant to pack a traveling bag; he went to bed; more excited than the affair perhaps warranted。

The next day; at five o'clock; James Starr jumped out of bed; dressed himself warmly; for a cold rain was falling; and left his house in the Canongate; to go to Granton Pier to catch the steamer; which in three hours wo

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