第15部分 (第2/8頁)

 ate them largely; BY THE POUND! I laughed at the fellow; but I thoroughly understood him; so would every Englishman; for at the root of our being is a hatred of parsimony。 This manifests itself in all sorts of ludicrous or contemptible forms; but no less is it the source of our finest qualities。 An Englishman desires; above all; to live largely; on that account he not only dreads; but hates and despises; poverty。 His virtues are those of the free…handed and warm…hearted opulent man; his weaknesses e of the sense of inferiority (intensely painful and humiliating) which attaches in his mind to one who cannot spend and give; his vices; for the most part; originate in loss of self…respect due to loss of secure position。


For a nation of this temper; the movement towards democracy is fraught with peculiar dangers。 Profoundly aristocratic in his sympathies; the Englishman has always seen in the patrician class not merely a social; but a moral; superiority; the man of blue blood was to him a living representative of those potencies and virtues which made his ideal of the worthy life。 Very significant is the cordial alliance from old time between nobles and people; free; proud homage on one side answering to gallant championship on the other; both classes working together in the cause of liberty。 However great the sacrifices of the mon folk for the maintenance of aristocratic power and splendour; they were gladly made; this was the Englishman's religion; his inborn

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