正像大家所知道的那樣,有些人過著相對寬裕的生活卻一點都不快樂,而有些 人雖然承受著痛苦卻仍然快樂。這其中的奧秘之一就是擁有感恩之心。不懂得感恩的人無法獲得快樂,一切快樂的人都是懂得感恩的人。人們往往認為,抱怨是由不快樂引起的,然而,更加確切的說法應該是:抱怨使人變得不快樂。奧秘之二就是,要知道,快樂是其他事物的副產品。快樂最顯而易見的來源就是生活中所追求的目標,是從研究昆蟲到打棒球的一切事情。我們付出的熱情越多,享受到的快樂就越多。奧秘之三就是,堅持能夠讓我們變得更加快樂的信仰——我們要堅信,有一種能夠超越自我的永恆存在,而我們自身的存在具有更大的意義。我們需要一種精神信仰,這是關於人生的哲學。無論哪種人生哲學都會包含這個不言而喻的道理:面對一種情景,如果你選擇積極的一面,你將會受到祝福;如果你選擇消極的一面,你就會被詛咒。在很大程度上,這取決於你自己的決定,就像快樂本身一樣。
Make Efforts
Anyone could be unhappy; it took no courage and effort。 True achievement lay in struggling to be happy。 The notion that we have to work at happiness es as news to many people。 We assume it’s a feeling that es as a result of good things that just happen to us; a thing over which we have little or no control。 But the opposite is true: happiness is largely under our control。 To achieve a happy life; it’s necessary to overe some stumbling blocks。
One effective way of destroying happiness is to look at something and focus on even the smallest flaw。 It’s like looking at the tiled ceiling and concentrating on the space where one tile is missing。 As a bald man told me; “Whenever I enter a room; all I see is hair。” Once you’re determined what your missing tile is explore whether acquiring it will really make you happy。 Then do one of the three things: get i