第123章 卷19 (第1/8頁)

馬龍探案卷四 之 正確的兇案 十九


helene poured a little grenade to the gss she was holdg, givg its war aber a fatly rosy glow she stirred the ixture ntly and tasted it


“anybody ought to like this try it, ross”


ross cur took the gss obediently and anad a ty sip then he handed it back


“i’ rry”

“沒關係。” 海倫耐心地說,“我再試試別的。” 她拿起一個空杯子,開始往裡面倒各種液體。

“that’s all right,” helene said patiently “i’ll try another one” she picked up an epty gss and began asurg liids to it

“不是調味劑的問題。” 年輕人不開心地說,“是酒精,我好像受不了。”

“it isn’t the fvorgs,” the young an said unhappily “it’s the alhol i can’t see to stand”

“沒關係。” 傑克安慰道,“我很多時候也有這種感覺。你會克服的。”

“never d,” jake said nlgly “i’ve felt the sa way a lot of tis you’ll t over it”


alone groaned “we aren’t ttg anywhere at all of all the sane ideas—”

“你有更好的主意嗎?” 海倫嚴厲地問。

“have you a better one?” helene asked severely

“沒有。” 他承認。

“no,” he aditted


“then i’ll go right on tryg”


alone opped his face it was now seven o’clock, and helene had been ventg new cktails sce half-past five that ti the young an on the bed had anad to down less than an ounce of lior


最新小說: 末日,綠茶前女友跪求我收留 末日,絕美女總裁跪在我面前 噓,禍水宿主被瘋批大佬掐腰誘哄 錦衣暴徒:我靠搶奪罪犯功法開掛 機械末世:我的機甲有億點強 驚悚!詭異遊戲NPC竟是我亡夫 愚公重生:斷代星球 末日重生:黑暗審判官 漩渦之心 冤鬼咒 末世掠奪遊戲 詭異復甦:前女友婚禮,客人竟然是鬼? 末世重生女主她內力深厚 殺神之虐殺原形 末世降臨:我招收下屬,獲得百倍物資 撩倒五個獸夫後,惡毒雌性死遁了 警告!禁止S級覬覦頂級貌美嚮導 快穿之乾了這碗狗糧 一覺醒來聽說末世到了 盜筆之穿越廢土碰到了嫩牛五方