第5部分 (第1/7頁)

guess—it was in proportion to every effort successfully made to disguise the suffering。 Painful it is to look back upon now—forgive me for whatever was expiated in the deepest of my heart。

Did you get my long letter from Paris? and Trippy; my short note from Havre。 Ah; dear Trippy! let her not think hardly of me。 No one can judge of this act; except some one who knows thoroughly the man I have married。 He rises on me hour by hour。 If ever a being of a higher order lived among us with a glory round his head; in these latter days; he is such a being。

Papa thinks that I have sold my soul—for genius… mere genius。 Which I might have done when I was younger; if I had had the opportunity… but am in no danger of doing now。 For my sake; for the love of me; from an infatuation which from first to last has astonished me; he has consented to occupy for a moment a questionable position。

But those who question most; will do him justice fullest—and we must wait a little with resignation。 In the meanwhile; what he is; and what he is to me; I would fain teach you。—Have faith in me to believe it。 He puts out all his great faculties to give me pleasure and fort…charms me into thinking of him when he sees my thoughts wandering… forces me to smile in spite of nil of them—if you had seen him that day at Orleans。


He laid me down on the bed and sat by me for hours; pouring out floods of tenderness and goodness; and promising to win b

最新小說: 別人玩遊戲,我修仙 無職法師 網遊之止戈三國 海島求生,從每日情報開始 無限流:漂亮NPC只想完成任務 戶外見聞錄 星啟:餘生與你的宿命之旅 電競之巔峰榮耀 海賊王之冰霜王座 海賊的航海 王者:從第一下飯主播到全能之神 開局朱八模板,打遍NBA無敵手 網遊:我有可成長技能 永劫:開局主力累了,我是替補 榮耀之巔:女神奪冠之路 網遊:無垠無盡之主 全民遊戲:神級天賦是卷出來的 眼睛一閉一睜,無限我來啦 從零開始的奶爸生活 迷霧求生:我靠池塘發家致富