ack for me; with God's help; the affection of such of you as were angry。 And he loves me more and more。 Today we have been together a fortnight; and he said to me with a deep; serious tenderness…“I kissed your feet; my Ba; before I married you—but now I would kiss the ground under your feet, I love you with a so much greater love。” And this is true; I see and feel。 I feel to have the power of making him happy… I feel to have it in my hands。 It is strange that anyone so brilliant should love me;—but true and strange it is…and it is impossible for me to doubt it any more。 Perfectly happy therefore we should be; if I could look back on you all without this pang。 His family have been very kind。 His father considered him of age to judge; and never thought of interfering otherwise than of saying at the last moment;“Give your wife a kiss for me” this; when they parted。 His sister sent me a little travelling writing desk; with a word written;“” Nobody was displeased at the reserve used towards them; understanding that there were reasons for it which did not detract from his affection for them and my respect。
But I think … think … of the suffering I caused you; my own; own Arabel; that evening! I tremble thinking of you that evening—my own dearest dearest Arabel! Oh; do not fancy that new affections ran undo the old。 I love you now even more; I think。 Robert is going to write to you from Pisa; and to Henrietta also。 He loves you as his sisters; he says; and wishes that