第5部分 (第3/7頁)

 you were with us; and hopes that one day you will be with us… staying and travelling with us…exactly as I do myself…

… And do you feel and know; that as for me… for my position as a wife…it is awfully happy for this world。 He is too good and tender; and beyond me in all things; and we love each other with a love that grows instead of diminishing。 I speak to you of such thing rather than of the cathedral at Bourges; because; it is of these; I feel sure; that you desire knowledge rather。

I am going to write to Papa—and to George—very soon; I shall。 Ah—dear George would not have written so; if he had known my whole heart; yet he loved me while he wrote; as I felt with every pain the writing caused me。 Dear George;—I love him to his worth。 And my poor Papa! My thoughts cling to you all; and will not leave their hold。 Dearest Henrietta and Arabel let me be as ever and for ever

your fondly attached


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費奧多爾·陀思妥耶夫斯基(1821—1881), 19世紀俄國偉大的小說家、思想家。在法國資產階級革命思潮影響下,他早年曾醉心於空想社會主義,參加了彼得堡進步知識分子組織的彼得拉舍夫斯基小組的革命活動。1849年,陀思妥耶夫斯基被控陰謀叛國,判處死刑。臨刑前一刻,收到沙皇的敕令,他被改判流放西伯利亞。這生與死之間的短短几秒給陀思妥耶夫斯基留下了不可磨滅的印象,之後他的作品一改往日風格,創作重點轉向心理悲劇。他擅長心理剖析,尤其是揭示內心分裂,對人類肉體與精神痛苦的震撼人心的描寫是其他作家無法企及的。他的矛盾性格組合、深層心理活動描寫對後世作家產生了深遠影響。




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