第100章 卷33 (第1/6頁)

馬龍探案卷三 之 錯誤的兇案 三十三

傑克和海倫焦急地看著小個子律師把那個珍貴的盒子放在他的桌子上,仔細檢查了鎖,然後開始在一個書桌抽屜裡翻找。他從裡面拿出兩塊髒兮兮的手帕、一小堆廢紙、一個標有 “待回覆信件” 的硬紙板資料夾、一個空瓶子和一張豐滿年輕女子的照片,上面寫著 “你的親愛的路易絲” 之後,他找到了他要找的東西:一個小皮製工具包,有點像修甲工具包。

jake and helene watched anxioly as the little wyer id the precio box on his desk, exaed the lock closely, and began pag through a desk drawer after takg out o iled handkerchiefs, a sall pile of wastepaper, a cardboard file arked letters to answer, an epty bottle, and a photograph of a ppish young woan scribed “your darlg louise,” he found what he was lookg for: a little leather kit, not unlike a anicure kit


fro it he took a handful of sall, shg tools and exaed the one by one a half dozen or he id on the desk beside the box, the rest he put carefully back the leather kit then, first with one tool and then another, he began probg the lock of the tal box, delicately and with exisite care


the roo was deathly still watchg alone, jake felt his scalp crklg with excitent side that dark-green tal box had been ona ne’s otive for urderg joshua gubril and his sister aybe it was still there the gun had already e to their hands and right at this ont von fnagan was havg it tested and its owners

最新小說: 末日,綠茶前女友跪求我收留 末日,絕美女總裁跪在我面前 噓,禍水宿主被瘋批大佬掐腰誘哄 錦衣暴徒:我靠搶奪罪犯功法開掛 機械末世:我的機甲有億點強 驚悚!詭異遊戲NPC竟是我亡夫 愚公重生:斷代星球 末日重生:黑暗審判官 漩渦之心 冤鬼咒 末世掠奪遊戲 詭異復甦:前女友婚禮,客人竟然是鬼? 末世重生女主她內力深厚 殺神之虐殺原形 末世降臨:我招收下屬,獲得百倍物資 撩倒五個獸夫後,惡毒雌性死遁了 警告!禁止S級覬覦頂級貌美嚮導 快穿之乾了這碗狗糧 一覺醒來聽說末世到了 盜筆之穿越廢土碰到了嫩牛五方